Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Death Spell 5 Skeletal Pirate

Hello! its that time again! That magical time when Mike reviews another card!!! :D

85% Accuracy, 430-510 damage. Five pips. Yeah. This spell rocks. It is one of my favorite spells ever. Now i know your thinking, well, why would it be? when wraith on average does more damage? AND it heals you? Well there are several.

The first and foremost, is the level you learn it at. You get this spell at lvl 22. The damage is significantly better then vampire. Sure, it does not heal you, But you already have a spell for that. At that lvl you need pure damage. Now around this lvl, you would be just finishing up Krock, if not done it already. Now the average mob at the endish of Krock, has around 400 health.

With a deathblade,

With a death trap.

And the guys at the beginning of marlybone has around 600. Now this is not a big leap hp wise.

With a deathblade,

With a death trap.

Resist, but 7 out of ten mobs are likely to be death so this will be a common problem, But do not fear! Prisim is here! you will haved learned that already at lvl 12 :)

So death trap, AND prisim,

I keep two of thees guys in my deck and use them more then you would think.

Now the wraith spell(we will be going over that next) does a solid 500 damage, and heals you half. Now this is an epic card for us necromancers, and skeletal pirate damage wise does around the same. And you get it 20 lvl earlyr!

Besides that, my brother(Joshua. read my profile) loves this spell. He laughs and smiles evry time the silly pirate with no shirt destroys some unsuspecting samoori. (Half were his words not mine)

But all in all skeletal pirate is an epic spell and with the right traps and blades. it can easy do around 3000 damage. AT LVL 22! :D

(ok well you need A LOT of traps and blades, so prob not at lvl 22, but it was still fun to say)

Ya know i think he would look pretty snazy with a T-shirt


Monday, November 8, 2010

Raffle winners!

The moment you'v all been waiting for.

So i headed over to random.org

I'm gonna cut right to the winners, and not make ya wait half the post. So,

The winner of the birthday snack pack code is......


I will be sending the code shortly. Thanks for entering. Who knows i might have a raffle another time :)

Also, skeletal pirate will be posted very soon.


Saturday, November 6, 2010



The raffle is now closed. Results will be up soon good luck!


Hey so i was hanging out at barns and nobles irl and picked up this magizine. And i saw that if gives you a free Birthday snack pack. Well i'm not one for pet stuff, so i thought i would give it to one lucky reader I: so just leave your e-mail or central name and you will be entered. GOOD LUCK!